Mac Desktop Installation Instructions
Step 1b: Close Visual Studio Code if it has been opened after installation
Step 2: Install Pumas Mac binary
Step 3: Launch Pumas using the Desktop Icon. Choose "enter license key" and enter your license key.
(Note: If you are upgrading your Pumas version, the license should already be registered and you don’t need to perform step3 again)
Step 4: Wait until the license information is printed and subsequently the REPL starts. Step 5: Ensure that the license information is printed with the correct term of your license validity, once the verification is done, you can close the REPL window. Step 6: Launch VS-Code and install “Julia for VSCode” extension from VS-Code marketplace
Step 7: Open VSCode and Start the Command Palette by using either of these methods
Command + Shift + P
Step 8: In the Command Palette, type Julia: Start REPL and hit Enter when the selection is highlighted. Step 9: A julia REPL (console) will open up in the bottom pane where the license information should be printed first along with the Pumas startup message. Step 10: Type “using Pumas” beside the julia> prompt and hit the return key. If no errors show up, installation is successful, and you are ready to use Pumas! If IT does a system-wide installation, first-time usage by a non-admin user will need to execute steps 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 from above.
julia> PumasLicenseManager.activateLicenseFromTerminal()
You will then be asked to enter your new license key (including -
symbol). After hitting enter, you should receive confirmation that the new license has been activated.
To qualify your installation, follow the steps below:
folder into the workspace. There are many ways to do this:(Ctrl + Shift + P)
and type “Open Folder”PumasQualification.jl
folder on your laptop and it should get added to your workspace.PumasQualification.jl
folder in your VSCode workspace and select “Julia: Change to this Directory”