Our analytics tools help you make data-driven decisions more efficiently
Introducing the Pumas Products Suite for Accelerated Drug Development
DeepPumas is first-of-its-kind scientific modeling and machine learning system for healthcare data that enables seamless integration of domain-specific knowledge and data-science methodology, reducing dependence on data size and enabling faster decision-making.
  • Unravel hidden relationships ranging from biomarker-outcomes, QSP, QbB, Genomic data and many more

  • Avoid missing important trends, loss of productivity and disadvantages of small datasets

  • Identify target patients, optimize manufacturing process, build more reliable QSP models with DeepPumas

PumasCP is designed to manage your NCA and BE projects most efficiently on a fully compliant platform.
  • Embed SOPs, customize TLFs, tailor reporting, and automate routine analyses

  • Avoid repetitive tasks, high QC overhead and need for other statistical software

  • Complete your work most efficiently in fully-validated and simple to license PumasCP

Pumas gives pharmaceutical/biotech companies a one-stop-shop to support their quantitative work required by regulatory agencies through the drug development cycle.
  • Perform NLME, Optimal Design, Bayesian, SAEM, Clinical Trial Simulations, ML, NCA, BE analyses all within one integrated software

  • Avoid missing important trends, loss of productivity and disadvantages of small datasets

  • Double your think time!

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Successfully Deliver What Patients Need

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PumasAI Inc.
3500 South Dupont Highway
Suite GT-101
Dover, DE 19901

Email: info@pumas.ai


PumasAI Inc.
3500 South Dupont Highway
Suite GT-101
Dover, DE 19901

Email: info@pumas.ai


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